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Author Topic: [ARC@Cal] It's Business Time...for ARC@Cal  (Read 2443 times)
Sean Huynh
Posts: 46

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« on: February 19, 2012, 10:08:31 PM »

Hey Red Crossers,

...shhh….be vewy qwiet….I’m hunting midterwms cuz it’s midterwm season. Good luck studying for upcoming midterms. But in the meantime, you can still take a break with ARC@Cal with upcoming events.
International humanitarian law

Are you interested in humanitarian law or want to know more about it?
The American Red Cross Club at Cal is proud to present the seminar Humanity In the Midst of War: An Introduction to International Humanitarian Law taught by the American Red Cross Bay Area chapter.

Date: Saturday, February 25th, 2012
Time: 10:00am-2:30pm
Location: 183 Dwinelle

Space is limited. You MUST RSVP to attend. Email michelle.carney@berkeley.edu to sign up.

 International humanitarian law is the laws of wars or laws and customs of war and armed conflict. It is comprised of the Geneva Conventions, Hague Conventions and subsequent treaties, case law and customary international law. International humanitarian law defines a code of conduct and responsibilities of nations engaged in warfare in relation to each other and protected persons, usually civilians.

Come learn more about how Red Cross played a critical role in the development of international humanitarian law and continues to be a key international presence as they maintain and uphold them. The International Humanitarian Law Seminars are open to the public and provides an overview of the Geneva Conventions, the basic rules of international humanitarian law and the role of the Red Cross during armed conflict.

All members of the American Red Cross @Cal are welcome and encouraged to come learn more about IHL. A certificate of completion is awarded for those present for the entire seminar!

More information can be found at redcross.pftq.com. Questions and RSVPs may be directed to michelle.carney@berkeley.edu.
Upcoming Meetings
2nd Youth Meeting on Tuesday, February 21st (7-8p) at 125 Dwinelle
2nd General Meeting
Thursday, March 1, 2012
102 Moffitt

Get out and join the ARC family for news about upcoming events and signups. More info, more love, more surprises…good ones I think. Jot this event down in your calendars/planners, folks!
CPR Training

Red Cross @ Cal CPR training! We provide training in CPR, First Aid, and Automated External Defibrillators (AED) from certified Red Cross instructors. Attendees will receive Red Cross certification for CPR/FA/AED lasting for two years. Paid ARC @ Cal members receive a $5 discount! Sign up or ask questions by emailing mrakholia@berkeley.edu

Date: March 3rd or 4th (You pick the date to attend)
Starting Time: 9am
Length: 5-6 hours
Price: $25 for one component, $30 for two, $35 for all three
Location: TBA

Positions are limited so sign up ASAP!
Berkeley Project

Berkeley Project is coming up soon for March 17. Here are some words from Jordon and Michelle:
Berkeley Project Month Volunteer Registration opens up tomorrow, Monday February 6th so if you are interested in doing community service with the American Red Cross, get a few hours towards your volunteer hours, get a free t-shirt, have lunch provided for you,meet other people in our club, etc., please register beginning Monday, February 6th at 8AM.

Registration is furious and is extremely limited so please sign-up as quick as you can so you can get a spot onto our team.  When registering yourself, please input "American Red Cross @ Cal" under the team section if you would like to participate with us.  Also if there is a specific question about who is your Team Leader, please input "Jordan Tai and/or Michelle Carney."  I'm not 100% if there is a question for that, but if there is, please put our names.

I really encourage you all to participate with us as Berkeley Project is an amazing experience where students get the opportunity to go out into the community of Berkeley and participate in various projects which enrich, enhance, and beautify the community.  Our team will be participating on March 17th so please sign up with this date in mind.

The registration link can be found tomorrow on the Berkeley Project Website:


If you have any questions or concerns, feel free to contact me at jordantai@berkeley.edu.

We look forward in having you participate and once again sign-up FAST!

Jordan Tai & Michelle Carney
Broomball is back

Broomball is coming back! Remember all that fun we had? The ice slips? The crashes?....Actually, just remember the fun…heh.
Tentative date for it is March 10 at night. More details later.
Get On The Bus

Get On The Bus is a program that offers free transportation for children
to visit their parents in prison.  The program provides travel bags for
the children, a photo for each of the children with their parents, and
meals for the entire day - all at no cost to the children's family.  On
the bus ride home, each child will receive a teddy bear with a letter from
their parents.  Please give a helping hand to this wonderful program. Any
donations will be greatly appreciated.
More info at the website:


OMG Teal deer, right? tl; dr      Check Calendar often for updates: http://redcross.pftq.com/forums/index.php?action=calendar
Continue with studies and life, everyone.

Sean Huynh
ARC@Cal Publicity
(916) 708-4757
Evan Kim
Posts: 1

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« Reply #1 on: February 19, 2012, 10:44:23 PM »

Hey, did you forget to mention the 2nd H&S meeting or did it get canceled?

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