Yo ARCers,
Did you hear about the free screening of Tower Heist at the Landmark Theater on Nov. 1? Did you know ARC can get a reserved seating? Well, we got connections and I need your RSVP tonight! Yes, tonight! Quick people, send me a confirmation that you want to go and will go see the movie. Paid ARC members will have priority.
Send your full name to:
seanhuynh@berkeley.eduLandmark Theaters Shattuck Cinemas
2230 Shattuck Avenue
Berkeley, CA 94704
Be there by 7pm and don't be late or we won't guarantee seats. Here's the promotional poster:
http://a4.sphotos.ak.fbcdn.net/hphotos-ak-ash4/319101_2313272385437_1058220037_32674333_1381747034_n.jpgSean Huynh
American Red Cross @ Cal Publicity
University of California, Berkeley
Molecular and Cell Biology, B.A., May 2012
seanhuynh@berkeley.eduCell: (916) 708-4757