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  • Intl "Children of Congo" Screening: January 13, 2011
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    1.Robin Katz

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Author Topic: Bay Area Red Cross Intl Services Committee Screening "Children of the Congo"  (Read 1868 times)
« on: January 11, 2011, 11:59:51 AM »

"Children of Congo: From War to Witches" will be screened at the Red Cross San Francisco office on Thursday January 13th. Check in 6-6:30 pm  Showing: 6:30-7:30pm.

Over five million people have died during the past decade as a result of the war in the Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC). Few people are aware of the unimaginable scale of human suffering, death, and destruction that has occurred in this vast country deep in the heart of Africa. In the aftermath of this brutal war, children have endured the brunt of the suffering. This 67 minute film documents the plight of thousands of street children living in Kinshasa and confirms the wide-spread accusations of child witchcraft, torture and child prostitution. The film also examines the efforts to reintegrate demobilized child soldiers, displaced refugees, and orphaned children following the eruption of the massive Nyiragongo volcano, near the city of Goma in Eastern Congo. These heroic efforts are finally bringing some measure of hope and stability to the lives of the Congolese people.  The film runs about an hour, and has an interesting interplay between the various groups working in the DRC -- the Red Cross, the religious NGOs, the UN, the other NGOs.

As noted January 13th is the viewing date in the Board Room at 85 2nd Street  San Francisco, Ca. It is suitable for 18 years of age and over and RSVPs are required for planning purposes. RSVP to kelleyj@usa.redcross.org.

Joan Kelley-Williams,
American Red Cross Bay Area
Director SAF and International Services
& Station Manager-Travis AFB

Email Robin at rkatz@berkeley.edu for event and transportation info.
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