Hi all!!
Don't forget that our blood committee meeting is coming up
this Thursday, March 14, at 7PM in 263 Dwinelle! Come out and learn about some of our upcoming events and socials!
Remember if you HAVE NOT RSVPed to me, please do so! E-mail Katherine at
kahsieh@berkeley.edu. We are planning something different and need some minor preparations (: It's gonna be a fun meeting!
Also, general meeting is right after committee meeting! Please stay long enough to attend general meeting too! That's two more hours to your hours requirement
and you can celebrate PIE DAY with us!!
Hope to see you all there!
Your lovely coordinators,
Katherine Hsieh and Suraj Nagaraj
Questions? E-mail Katherine at
kahsieh@berkeley.edu or call/text (909) 273-1836