Hello American Red Cross at Cal,
Committee meetings start this week! Follow along with all our fantastic events at redcross.berkeley.edu under "Calendar."
Youth tonight, A&F Wed, H&S and Disaster on Thurs, Blood next Thurs! Be sure to go to a committee meeting to make sure you are registered with our club and start getting those mandatory 10 hours of volunteer service! You can pay your $10 membership dues at General Club socials or General Meetings to Melissa and Milap.
Blood -Thursdays, 7-8pm, 263 Dwinelle starting 2/28
Youth - Tuesdays, 6:30-7:30pm, 263 Dwinelle, starting 2/19
Health and Safety - Thursdays, 7-8pm, 263 Dwinelle, starting 2/21
Awareness and Fundraising - Tuesdays, 6-7pm in 263 Dwinelle 2/26 (First meeting Wed. 2/20, 6pm in front of Dwinelle)
Disaster - Thursdays, 6-7 PM, 263 Dwinelle, starting 2/21
We still have a handful of spots for DSHR training (that allows you to go on local and national deployments!) it's March 3rd - email
michelle.carney@berkeley.edu ASAP!
ARC at Cal ExComm