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Author Topic: [ARC@Cal] Some more reminders for upcoming stuff!  (Read 2159 times)
Sean Huynh
Posts: 46

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« on: February 10, 2012, 01:54:25 AM »

Hey ARC folks,

You see? It did rain during last week. Sigh. Consequences will never be the same.
Anyways, just wanted to remind people of some events quickly.

The Food Bank event is still open for 2 more volunteers. Contact Fanny ASAP! Do it! Do it Naow! du.fanny@gmail.com

Alameda County Community Food Bank serves 1 in 6 people in Alameda County – your gift of time makes a tremendous difference to the many of us in our community facing hunger during the holidays and year-round.

Join us 1:00-4:00pm Saturday, February, 11th.,  at 7900 Edgewater Drive in Oakland.  
We will be meeting as a group in Berkeley and transporting there together, so plan to meet around 12:30p.m. Details will be announced to those signed up.

What will you be doing?
You will be sorting and boxing/bagging food in our warehouse.
Please wear comfortable yet durable clothing; layers are recommended.
PLEASE WEAR CLOSED-TOED SHOES - sandals and flip-flops are not allowed.
Please leave all bags and personal items at home or locked in the trunks of your vehicles.
Also, please do not bring headphones, MP3 players or other personal stereos.
If interested, please email Fanny and Milap at du.fanny@gmail.com and mrakholia@berkeley.edu. Space is limited.
First General Social: 21 Jump Street – February 16

I still have some seats open....BUT only some, so first people who email me will get in with reserved seats. YOU NEED TO EMAIL ME: seanhuynh@berkeley.edu

Want to watch a free screening of a movie? Fan of Jonah Hill or Channing Tatum? Want to see Johnny Depp’s cameo in a movie that is a remake of his 80s show?
Thursday, February 16th at 7pm and at the United Artist Berkeley Theater on Shattuck

Email me with your full NAME and contact if interested: seanhuynh@berkeley.edu
Get in contact with Michelle for IHL seminar! michelle.carney@berkeley.edu. Don't know about IHL? What?! It is popular and fills up, so READ up and SIGN up.

Are you interested in humanitarian law or want to know more about it?
The American Red Cross Club at Cal is proud to present the seminar Humanity In the Midst of War: An Introduction to International Humanitarian Law taught by the American Red Cross Bay Area chapter.

Date: Saturday, February 25th, 2012
Time: 10:00am-2:30pm
Location: 183 Dwinelle

SPACE IS LIMITED. You MUST RSVP to attend. Email michelle.carney@berkeley.edu to sign up.

International humanitarian law is the laws of wars or laws and customs of war and armed conflict. It is comprised of the Geneva Conventions, Hague Conventions and subsequent treaties, case law and customary international law. International humanitarian law defines a code of conduct and responsibilities of nations engaged in warfare in relation to each other and protected persons, usually civilians.

Come learn more about how Red Cross played a critical role in the development of international humanitarian law and continues to be a key international presence as they maintain and uphold them. The International Humanitarian Law Seminars are open to the public and provides an overview of the Geneva Conventions, the basic rules of international humanitarian law and the role of the Red Cross during armed conflict.
A certificate of completion is awarded for those present for the entire seminar!

More information can be found at redcross.berkeley.edu. Questions and RSVPs may be directed to michelle.carney@berkeley.edu.

Peace! I'm out!.....Dog. Word.

Sean Huynh
ARC@Cal Publicity
(916) 708-4757

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