This just in!
Red Cross Bay Area CEO Harold Brooks will visit us at the banquet! Holy Guacamole, we just got news of this. Please arrive in business casual or something along that line. If all fails, go festive and wear red and green and Santa. :/ No pressure everyone....
Same thing since last email but it's going to start in about 12 hours people!
Business casual or festive.

When: Saturday, December 3 -- 12:30-2:30p.m.
Where: The Racha Cafe
2516 Telegraph Ave
Join us in our ARC banquet! Why?
--Meet the CEO of the Bay Area Red Cross, Harold Brooks!!!
--Free food
--Get recognized as a ARC volunteer
--Free food
--Holiday Mail for Heroes
--Arrive with holiday attire or business casual. Business Casual is
HIGHLY RECOMMENDED since Brooks will be there!
--Entertainment by Excomm leaders ( much epic fun)
--White Elephant gift exchange (Bring a gift if you want in!) ($3 gift plz and wrapped as well!)
RSVP on Facebook PLZ: