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Author Topic: Holiday Campaign: Measles Initiative  (Read 1584 times)
« on: November 16, 2011, 12:39:18 AM »

Save lives, earn volunteer hours.


Measles, an extremely contagious and easily preventable infection, is one of the leading killers of children worldwide. An estimated 450 people die each day from the disease, which is very easily avoidable. The Red Cross sponsors the Measles Initiative, whose goal is to help get vaccinations out in the world to try to eradicate the disease. It costs less than $1 for a vaccination. Thanks to the Measles Initiative helping get children vaccinated, measles deaths have fallen 78% between 2000-2008 around the world.

This is where we come in! ARC@Cal and the UC Berkeley community can make a huge impact by helping the Measles Holiday Initiative! Donate any spare change you may have to help save children around the world -- it all adds up! Only $1 can save someone's life! Tell your roommates, family, friends, lab partner, who ever! You can accept donations, and give them to ANY ARC@Cal Excomm; they will ensure that the money goes directly to the Measles Initiative! Let's save lives this Holiday Season! Smiley


1. Text "PREVENT" to 90999 to give $10 and save 10 children from measles.
2. Email you friends, family members, co-workers, etc. who you think will donate. Attached is a template you may use if you'd like. Once you're done, please send me (Fanny Du, du.fanny@gmail.com) an email with the subject "MEASLES INITIATIVE-your name" and include the email address of the people you emailed. (I will not contact them.) For helping Red Cross spread the word to 5 people, you will earn 1 volunteer hour! If you send an email to 10 people, you will earn 2 hours. This applies through December 25th.



* Holiday Campaign.docx (100.62 KB - downloaded 53 times.)
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