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Author Topic: ARC@Cal : Service Network Update 10/18/2011  (Read 3677 times)
Michelle Carney
Posts: 63

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« on: October 18, 2011, 11:24:25 PM »

Hey all ARC@Cal-ers!

ARC@Cal is part of a larger network on campus consisting of clubs dedicated to service called the Cal Service Network.

Here are some other upcoming events from the Cal Service Network that are going on around campus:
(if any of these seem interesting contact the club representative or Michelle (michelle.carney@berkeley.edu)!)

American Red Cross @ Cal - Rep: Michelle Carney (michelle.carney@berkeley.edu) http://redcross.pftq.com/

Humanity In the Midst of War: An Introduction to International Humanitarian Law.
Seminar taught by the American Red Cross Bay Area chapter.
Sunday, October 23rd, 10:00am -2:00pm, 140 Barrows. FREE!

The International Humanitarian Law Seminar is open to the public and provides an overview of the Geneva Conventions, the basic rules of international humanitarian law and the role of the Red Cross during armed conflict. Come learn more about how Red Cross played a critical role in the development of international humanitarian law and continues to be a key international presence as they maintain and uphold them.

RSVP & questions to michelle.carney@berkeley.edu. https://www.facebook.com/event.php?eid=268707533160338

Blood Drive, October 20th!
Thursday, October 20th, noon-6pm, MLK Pauley Ballroom.
Did you know that every time you donate blood, you save up to 3 lives!? Come out and donate blood from noon-6pm in MLK! Schedule an appointment online at redcrossblood.org (sponsor code UCB).
Upcoming dates: November 16th & November 18th.

Cal Habitat for Humanity  - JP Saunders (jplbgreen@gmail.com) habitat.berkeley.edu

Berkeley Build Day - On Saturday October 29th we will be having a fundraiser for our partner organization Habitat East Bay. This day is a special build for us because the site is reserved for more than 50 of our members. Also there are plenty perks for volunteers to participate as a result. Volunteers who work that day receive: Breakfast & Lunch, a t-shirt, a raffle ticket for prizes, and automatic active membership. There is a fundraising requirement of $50 for each volunteer All of the money we raise sponsors a Habitat home, currently we have raised $80,000.
Big Build - On Friday November 18th we have a build with Stanford’s Habitat for Humanity in San Francisco! It will be an all day event and an opportunity to show off our school’s commitment to public service. Sign up by emailing sgermini@gmail.com.
Interested in putting on a large awareness event to advocate on behalf of one of the most marginalized communities in the East Bay? We would love you to join us in the planning of the 4th Annual Poverty & Homelessness Symposium! In the past, the symposium has been led by the Cal Corps Public Service Center, Cal Habitat for Humanity, and the Suitcase Clinic, but this year we are looking to expand the planning committee to other campus groups. Planning this symposium gives you the opportunity to put on a large campus awareness event about local poverty and homelessness in the East Bay. If you are interested, please email PHSsymposium@gmail.com for more info, or come to our next meeting on Thursday, October 27 from 9-10 pm in front of Dwinelle.

Cal Service Network and Universal Love and Peace (ULAP) - Rep: Andrew Estrada Phuong and Diana Li (universalloveandpeace@gmail.com)

Take Action, Take Love 2.0: A Global Appreciation

Date: Saturday, October 22nd, 2011. 5-8:30 pm. Eshelmen Library. http://www.facebook.com/event.php?eid=298903456793180 The goal of this event is to raise awareness of domestic and international struggles, and how we can use service to take action and ameliorate such conditions. There will be tabling and speakers from various organizations so that students can get involved to induce social change. There will also be musical and dance performances to inform and educate the audience. The event intends to raise funds for developing houses in both Nicaragua and in Arizona, along with community projects.

Project Pueblo - rep: Jeff Nagata (spartan131@gmail.com)

Website: http://projectpueblo.org/

Winter Break Service Trip to the Navajo Nation - Project Pueblo is currently looking for student volunteers to go on a service trip to the Navajo Nation in Arizona! This winter break, Project Pueblo is going to the Bennett Freeze area of the Navajo Nation where only 25% have adequate shelter, 10% have running water, and only 3% have electricity. The trip is from January 2 to January 9 and will cost $300 which includes food, lodging, water, transportation, and everything else you need for that week! We will be driving from Berkeley as well as Loma Linda near Riverside. Experience the amazing culture of the Navajo Nation while doing great work with your fellow student volunteers!

Circle K - rep: Marvin So (mrmarvinso@gmail.com)

Website: http://www.ocf.berkeley.edu/~circlek

UC Berkeley Marrow Drive, Thursday, October 27, 2011, Stephens Room, MLK
When you join the Be the Match Registry, you can save a life. Every day, thousands of patients with leukemia and other life-threatening diseases hope for a marrow donor who can make their transplant possible. By simply stopping by the Marrow Drive on October 27 and swabbing your cheek to place yourself in the registry, you provide that hope for so many people. The process is extremely easy, quick, and pain-free, and will place you in the National Marrow Registry.
People of diverse backgrounds are urgently needed, since patients are most likely to match someone of their own race or ethnicity. This drive is being held in honor of recent UC Berkeley graduate, Andrew Lee, who was diagnosed with Acute Myeloid Leukemia this summer. For Andrew, and for all the patients out there searching everyday, we hope you can come stop by and register. IT could be the most rewarding thing you ever do. For more information, please visit BeTheMatch.org

World Literacy Project - Rep: Jasmine Segall (worldliteracyproject@gmail.com)

Facebook: http://www.facebook.com/groups/126992470712170/

World Literacy Project promotes literacy locally through elementary and high school programs, as well as internationally - as this summer we are sending 18 Cal students to Nicaragua this summer to help build a school for children. Applications for the 2-week trip are accepted on a rolling basis until all spots are filled. There are only a few spots left, so hurry! E-mail worldliteracyproject@gmai.comfor more information and for a copy of the application. WLP also invites all Cal students to our weekly meetings on Wednesdays from 7-8pm at 279 Dwinelle!
We’ll be selling pumpkins on Sproul/Unit 1 for Halloween on October 27th and 28th - check us out!

Amnesty International - Rep: Calliope Holingue (ucbamnesty@gmail.com)

Around the world, one woman dies every 90 seconds from complications of pregnancy or childbirth -- that's more than 350,000 women every year. The vast majority of these deaths are preventable." -http://bit.ly/nQWOUk The Tatia Oden-French Memorial Foundation and Amnesty International are sponsoring an event to spread awareness of maternal mortality. There will be a screening of Christie Turlington and Every Mother Counts' film "No Woman, No Cry." Maddy Oden, director of the Tatia Oden-French Memorial Foundation and the House of Lite, will speak. Donations will benefit the House of Lite, a new kind of transition home. Located at La Peña Cultural Center, 3105 Shattuck Avenue, Berkeley, CA on Thursday October 20, 7-9pm

SPILL (Supporting Peers in Laid-back Listening) - Rep: Marvin So (mrmarvinso@gmail.com)

SPILL, is a student organization that provides an accessible support resource for all students at any time of the day. Through SPILL, students will receive confidential, anonymous, free, and peer-based feedback from other UC Berkeley students - who have been through similar experiences - within 24 hours. Spills can be about anything and everything - school, concerns about major, worries about career in the future, roommate problems, relationships, family problems, homesickness, sexuality, depression, sexual assault/abuse, grief over a lost one, etc. SPILL aims to create a campus community in which mental health issues are destigmatized and to simply provide a safe space for students to spill out their problems and receive supportive feedback. So, need to get something off your chest? Go to our website: http://www.studentspill.com/  and SPILL!

Camp Kesem - Rep: Geraldine (campkesemberkeley@gmail.com)

Camp Kesem is planning to hold a dodgeball tournament for student groups on campus and we'd love to invite our fellow Cal Service Network members!

Theater For Charity - Rep: Jake Lefferman ( jlefferman@gmail.com)

We have a show coming up the first weekend in November- it is "nautical" themed and we are giving the proceeds to Heal the Bay.

Bare Abundance - Rep: Komal (bareabundance@gmail.com)

Calling all students interested in food justice, sustainability, waste and hunger alleviation!!! Our mission is to facilitate the development of healthy and sustainable food communities through a multifaceted education program targeting vulnerable populations. We hope to teach students how to make nutritious meals during our after school program, while simultaneously encouraging the formation of ‘food-driven’ values that focus on the issues of health, sustainability, and homelessness in our local communities. We are looking for undergraduate or graduate students who would like to join the BareAbundance team this fall semester and, ideally, continue throughout the academic year. There are positions on our team for members of all types and commitment levels, however, we are currently striving to find dedicated and committed students to fulfill the positions of Secretary, Treasurer, Grant-writer, Web Master, and Media Relations Coordinator as well as Director of Sustainable Practices, Director of External Affairs, and Director of Membership. Please note that this can also be counted as your local practice experience for the Global Poverty and Practice minor!
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