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Author Topic: [ARC@Cal] 3rd General Meeting! Last one of Fall!!!  (Read 2328 times)
Sean Huynh
Posts: 46

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« on: November 11, 2011, 06:22:24 PM »

Well, looks like this is the final general for the semester, but let’s end it with high energy and great events. Lots of things are in store for you ARCers:

3rd General Meeting
Thursday, November 17 • 7:00pm - 8:00pm
2060 VLSB

•   Remember, you can check your hours and see if you paid your dues here on
the website (http://redcross.pftq.com/data/members/?orderby=hours&direction=desc&all=true).
Be sure to get your 10 hours in before the end of the semester! There are still plenty of events that you can attend to fulfill your hour requirement. Come to the general meeting to see how you can get involved.

•   Registration forms and membership fees are due at this meeting! Fill them out and bring that $10 fee. You like our events, right? So help us out with this.
•   CPR Weekend Nov. 19th/20th is fast approaching. Help out Health & Safety get a big turnout for this big event.
•   Holiday cards made by International committee to service members and their families
•   Upcoming First Aid Preparedness days to teach first aid and safety to little ones with Youth committee.
•   A holiday banquet for you ARC members is in the works as well. More news and updates about this at the meeting!
•   Lastly, after the whole meeting, all of us are going to have a dinner social as a whole ARC group. Don’t miss out by eating before meeting (I know it’s hard to fend off the hunger but do the best you can).
Check us out at the meeting for more details of all these mentions!
Cal vs. Stanford Blood Drives
Wednesday, November 16 12pm-6pm and Friday, November 11am-5pm
In the West Pualey Ballroom of MLK

The Blood Committee already promoted about the Cal vs. Stanford Blood Drives, but we need all the help we can gather to beat Stanford! Spread the news and force friends on a dare…just kidding, it should be voluntary.
Internships for Excomm next year

We, the officers of ARC@Cal, won’t be with this group forever, so we need fresh new members to take over. Internship applications will be released at the 3rd General Meeting. Accepted applicants will be an intern for the spring semester and an official the next year. You like what we do? You have ideas to improve the group? Want to have a great (leadership) experience? Be sure to apply!
Free screening for The Muppets

Wednesday, November 16 • 7:30pm - 10:00pm
Landmark Shattuck Theatres
2230 Shattuck Ave.
Berkeley, CA

Thanks for those who went with us for the free screening of Tower Heist and hope you all had a great time. Here’s a heads up for another free movie, but this is up for grabs for all UC Berkeley students. Bring the flyer+Cal ID and you are in…if the line isn’t long. Info at the Facebook event: http://www.facebook.com/event.php?eid=195332360540935

That's it for now!

Sean Huynh
American Red Cross @ Cal Publicity
University of California, Berkeley
Molecular and Cell Biology, B.A., May 2012
Cell: (916) 708-4757
Larisa Ilchenko
« Reply #1 on: November 18, 2011, 03:06:50 AM »

To whom it may concern,

My name is Larisa Ilchenko and I was told to
contact ARC if I did not receive an email with the internship application
to apply to become a board member next year. Please send this out at your
earliest convenience seeing as I am very eager to have the opportunity to
play a bigger role in ARC. Thank you ahead of time for your consideration
and patience and I hope to hear from you soon.


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