Hi Committee Members,
A lot of people have been emailing me the past few days because they could not make it to the meeting. Here's a recap of what happened last night. It's a long email so bear with me. If you were at the meeting yesterday, skip to the bottom regarding the social part. Thanks.
As you may know, your three coordinators this year will be Zaneta, Tim, and I (Kai). You also had a chance to meet with your fellow committee members.
So basically, our job as committee members is to help spread the news for upcoming blood drives (tabling/ flyering) and also to help the generous people that gave blood the day of the drive (canteening).
Tabling/ Flyering: Meet us at our table somewhere on Upper Sproul, usually in front of MLK, to help to spread the news about the upcoming blood drives. This is really fun if you get paired with interesting people or if you flyer with your friends!
Canteening: Help take care of people that just donated blood to make sure they're okay. You have to have been through orientation for this, so please don't sign up until you have. Make sure to check in with us before heading into the building too.
Even though, we do not see a large impact of our efforts in the blood drives, you must remember, that each person that is able to donate has the potential to save up to 3 lives. There's 30 to 40% of the population that is able to contribute to this effort, yet only a few percent do. Thus, it is
SUPER important that we as a team maintain our efforts.
In other news, we also have some socials that are pretty fun. Last year, we went out to eat a lot and to ice skate. Also, we're curious about how social all of you want the committee to be. I, myself, lean toward the wilder side of the social spectrum, so if you'd please email me some suggestions about your ideal interactiveness of the club, it'd be great. Please EVERYONE do this. Thanks (: Email:
kdlee1@berkeley.edu. Don't just hit reply or you will be sending your response to EVERYONE.
Anyway, that's it. Thanks for helping out everyone!!
Warm Regards,