Hi guys.

Well this is it;we have reached our final week of classes. Good job!!!Hopefully you all have got all your hours in and if not there are still some events going on this week so come check them out.
Remember to get in all of your 10+ hours for the semester! The end of the semester is coming up fast, and you don’t want to wait until dead week to get in your volunteer hours! Your volunteer hours are the way we can vouch for you to be an official member of the American Red Cross at Cal. You can volunteer with any of the committee events below, even if you aren’t in the committee. Volunteer hours opportunities are denoted with a (*).
General Club Updates-Banquet
-Checking your hours
Committee Updates1.)Blood
3.)Awareness and Fundraising
5.)Health and Safety
General Club Updates*opportunities for hours
Monday 12/ 9 Banquet- We will be having our end of the year banquet from 12-2PM at Racha’s!!! Come join us as we honor you all for your hard work and dedication this semester while eating FREE food.Also, to get into the Christmas spirit we will be doing a white elephant exchange.If you want to participate bring a gift that is about 5 dollars.Can't wait to see you all there!!!:)
-If you are interested in checking your hours click on the link to see:
https://docs.google.com/spreadsheet/ccc?key=0Akhc9NHKzxx9dGZUSm5WNjVzbTNzTnZyeG1zZm1XZ2c#gid=0 If you have any questions or concerns, e-mail our volunteer manager, Melissa, for help at
mmarkowitz@berkeley.edu. Clear up any discrepancies before this Thursday 12/5 in order to be recognized at banquet!
Committee Updates1.)Blood
Monday-Wednesday 12/2-12/4 Flyering for blood drive:
Thursday 12/5 10-7PM Flyering and canteening* for blood drive(located in I-House):
http://www.wejoinin.com/sheets/vxvdp*must have attended a canteen orientation
- Coordinator Interviews will be happening this week @ Cafe Milano, please check your email for updates on time
3.)Awareness & Fundraising
-*You all have the opportunity to e-mail information about Philippine Typhoon Relief Awareness to your family and friends and receive volunteer service hours for it! For every 10 people you email, you can earn 1 service hour. To find out the exact requirements to earn the service hours and how to properly format the e-mail click on the following link for all the details:https://www.facebook.com/events/1380103468901986/
Thursday 12/5 6-7PM 47 Evans Final Public BRCR of the Fall Semester. Sign up for tabling/flyering:
http://www.wejoinin.com/sheets/jaglb 5.)Health & Safety
- We’ve worked hard all semester so looks like we’re done!! See you at the banquet
Good luck with finals.

ARC at Cal Executive Committee