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Author Topic: Health and Safety Services  (Read 3022 times)
« on: November 16, 2010, 11:26:54 PM »

Please write a response to this section of the course.
« Reply #1 on: November 30, 2010, 11:12:13 PM »

The Health and Safety Services presentations taught me a lot on how to be more aware and prepared.  I was unaware that when you find someone who is injured you need to follow three emergency action steps.  The emergency action steps require you to check, call, and care.  Firstly, you check the scene and the victim to make sure it is safe for you to approach the situation.  Secondly, you call 9-1-1 to report the details while staying calm.  Lastly, you give general care, which requires you to try to keep the person calm and help the person rest in the most comfortable position until the EMS arrive.  Through the presentations, I learned how valuable it was to learn CPR.  Although it is unlikely that one will perform CPR in a lifetime, it is still worthwhile to be prepared in case it is needed.  Ultimately, the presentations encouraged me to attend a CPR training giving by the ARC at Cal.  It was there I learned how to properly give CPR.  I learned the importance of assessing the situation and doing what one thinks is right.  But, calling 9-1-1 is the first priority in dangerous circumstances.  Moreover, I learned with every 2 breaths that 30 chest compressions must follow.  Also, I learned the importance of tilting the head back to clear an airway pathway for the victim.  In the seminar, the importance of remaining calm and in control was highly emphasized.  With the information I obtained, I now know how to perform CPR if need be.  Furthermore, I also learned at the seminar how to care for a person who is choking.  In any dangerous circumstances, the helper must ask the victim if they can help.  If the choker agrees, you lean the person forward to give back blows with the heel of your hand and then abdominal thrusts.  Moreover, you continue this cycle until the person can breathe.  In all, without the Health and Safety Services presentations, I would not be certified in CPR or know what to do in the event that I come across an injured person. 
Emerson Sibrian
Posts: 3

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« Reply #2 on: December 01, 2010, 04:52:00 PM »

   The presentation was very informative and well taught. It taught us how to be more prepared and aware of problems that may have on any given day. The Health and Safety Services section also showed us how to teach safety to different groups that may need to be showed to deal with the different problems. We learned how to be very cautions when going to respond to a problem. We must use the Check, Call, and Care method to deal with anything because we need to make sure that in the process of helping someone else we don’t get injured and are worse off. We were also taught that how to perform different Care   steps to deal with different situations that may require a first-aid kit. It’s important to make sure we deal with each situation the best and right way we know how or else we could complicate the processes even more. Calling 9-1-1 immediately is also the best and first thing people should do when they do not know how to deal with a situation or need more help.
   I thought this section of the course was a nice way to teach us some skills that could potentially help and save lives. Although a lot of the information we heard was something most of us knew. It was good to hear them again along with new skills that can be applied to the old. Also it was nice how the taught us how to teach others to keep these skills going and a prominent part of our society.
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