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Author Topic: Boston Marathon Explosions  (Read 1197 times)
Hashroop Gurm
Posts: 18

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« on: April 17, 2013, 11:55:46 AM »

Boston Marathon Explosions Awareness and Fundraising by American Red Cross at Cal Club
Email the following information about Boston Marathon Explosions to your family and friends and receive volunteer service hours! For every 10 people you email, you can earn 1 service hour. Please personalize the email greeting and copy and paste the information below (in quotes) to your email. You may earn up to, but no more than, 4 hours for this event.

- You must CC Hashroop Gurm (hkg101@berkeley.edu) and leave all individuals you are emailing visible or you WILL NOT get hours
- You must include the information on Boston Marathon Explosions quoted below

Email Template:
"Hey all,

I am a member of the American Red Cross at Cal Club and we are trying to raise awareness and donations for the Boston Marathon Explosions.

In response to the marathon bombings on April 15th, 2013, the Red Cross has provided about 450 additional blood products to several area hospitals to help meet the needs of those injured. At the request of Boston area authorities, the Red Cross is also providing mental health and spiritual care support to the people injured and their families. We will be working in close coordination with officials to determine how else we can best help the community and support emergency workers.

People who may want to provide other support to the Red Cross can consider taking one of these actions:

This tragedy shows that emergencies can happen in any community at any time. While the Red Cross has all it needs to respond to this event, we do need the public’s support to respond to the nearly 70,000 other disasters we handle every year around the country and Boston. The need for blood is constant. Eligible blood and platelet donors across the country are strongly encouraged to schedule an appointment to give in the days and weeks ahead by calling 1-800-RED CROSS or visiting redcrossblood.org. Many people in Boston yesterday jumped in to provide immediate help for the victims. Register for a Red Cross First Aid and CPR/AED course at redcross.org so that you can be better prepared to help in future emergencies.

Please help a cause that means a lot to me and will directly help others who are currently in need - the people affected by Boston Marathon Explosions  by donating to the American Red Cross. Anything you can donate will help and does make a difference! To make a donation to support the victims, Massachusetts Governor Deval Patrick and Boston Mayor Tom Menino have created The One Fund Boston to help people most affected by the tragic events.  More information can be found at: http://www.redcross.org/news/article/Red-Cross-Supporting-Families-in-Boston-After-Tragedy.

Donate online at: www.theonefundboston.org.

Thank you so much for your kindness,
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