Greetings Redcrossers!
Hope you enjoyed your weekend -it always ends too soon. BUT, never fear! You DO have something to look forward during the week ALL OF THESE GREAT REDCROSS EVENTS!
General Club Updates*click on links for more information
THURSDAY 3/14 SECOND General Meeting - 8pm in 88 Dwinelle!
SATURDAY 3/16 Berkeley Project with ARC
SATURDAY 3/16 International Humanitarian Law Seminar - RSVP to ASAP!
WEDNESDAY&THURSDAY 3/20&21 In-N-Out Measles Initiative Fundraiser - $1 can save a life!
FRIDAY 3/15 Committee Social - Ice Blocking - 7pm at Faculty Glade
a helpful map: Updates
THURSDAY 3/14 Committee Meeting - 7pm in 263 Dwinelle
(before the General Meeting)
FRIDAY 3/15 Ice Blocking - 7pm at Faculty Glade
a helpful map:
TUESDAY 3/12 Committee Meeting - 6:30-7:30 pm at 263 Dwinelle
WEDNESDAY 3/13 Youth Preparedness - 7-9 pm at C2 Moffitt
SATURDAY 3/16 Volunteer Opportunity - Eggster - 8am-4pm
WEDNESDAY&FRIDAY 3/20 and 3/21 Volunteer Opportunity - Youth Preparedness with Project Smile - 4-5pm at Longfellow Middle School
Awareness & Fundraising
TUESDAY 3/12 Committee Meeting - 6-7pm @ 263 Dwinelle
SATURDAY 3/16 International Humanitarian Law Seminar - RSVP to ASAP!
WEDNESDAY&THURSDAY 3/20&21 In-N-Out Measles Initiative Fundraiser - $1 can save a life!
THURSDAY 3/14 Committee Meeting - 6-7pm at 263 Dwinelle
TUESDAY 3/12 BRCR (Be Red Cross Ready) - 7:30-8:30 pm at 263 Dwinelle
SUNDAY 3/17 College Student Disaster Kit Shopping - 1-2:30pm at Daiso on Telegraph
TUESDAY 3/19 Train the Trainer - 6-7pm at 263 Dwinelle
Health & Safety
THURSDAY 3/14 Committee Meeting - 7-8pm at 263 Dwinelle
SATURDAY/SUNDAY 4/6 and 4/7 CPR/First Aid/AED Trainings - Bring $40 + membership dues to 2nd General Meeting and RSVP to
alex.zc.huang@gmail.comHope to see you all this week to celebrate PI(E) DAY at our SECOND GENERAL MEETING!
ARC at Cal Executive Committee