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Author Topic: [ARC at CAL] 3/4-3/9 Newsletter!  (Read 1437 times)
Kiran Salman
Posts: 18

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« on: March 04, 2013, 11:34:25 PM »

Hey American Red Cross at Cal!

Hope you all are surviving midterms! When you take a study break, you should come and check out the amazing events our club has going on this week!

General Club Updates

- General Meeting on 3/14, 8pm, 88 Dwinelle: https://www.facebook.com/events/332108066910750/?fref=ts--
* Come out and celebrate pi day, pay membership dues, pay and RSVP for CPR/FA/AED training, and learn about all the cool stuff our club is doing! *

- General Club Broom Ball Social on Friday, March 8th!
* Meet Michelle at Biryani House at 6:45pm then head out at 9pm to Oakland Ice Center! (http://www.oaklandice.com/index2.html) *
- $13/person for additional people
- A general club social is required, and this is a great way to meet a bunch of new friends who are also in ARC at Cal! You can pay your membership dues here, and it is $7 + BART (~$3) for a night full of fun and friendship! (note: add more fun info like what BroomBall is to the facebook event)

- International Humanitarian Law Seminar on Saturday, 3/16, 9:30 2pm (https://www.facebook.com/events/426616564088298/)
- The Red Cross is an international symbol of safety and help, come out and learn more about the Red Cross’s unique role internationally in times of armed conflict and international national disaster. SPACE IS LIMITED. Email hkg101@berkeley.edu to RSVP.

-Blood Drive this Tuesday, 3/5, 12-6pm Alumni House (https://www.facebook.com/events/135517843284612/) Make an appointment at redcrossblood.org, sponsor code: UCB. Need Volunteer Hours? Tabling and flyering up to the drive: http://www.wejoinin.com/sheets/gjqnx, Tabling and canteening on the day of the blood drive: http://www.wejoinin.com/sheets/jfrdn

Committee Updates


-Blood Drive this Tuesday, 3/5, 12-6pm Alumni House (https://www.facebook.com/events/135517843284612/) Make an appointment at redcrossblood.org, sponsor code: UCB. Need Volunteer Hours? Tabling and flyering up to the drive: http://www.wejoinin.com/sheets/gjqnx, Tabling and canteening on the day of the blood drive: http://www.wejoinin.com/sheets/jfrdn
- 3rd Blood Committee meeting: Thursday 3/14 from 7-8PM to prepare for more upcoming events!
We're gonna be doing something a little different/special at our committee meeting this time, so PLEASE REPLY IF YOU PLAN ON GOING OR IF YOU CANNOT MAKE IT!
RSVP TO kahsieh@berkeley.edu


- Next meeting: Tuesday 3/5 at 6:30-7:30pm in 263 Dwinelle
- Plan for Eggster and building props for our upcoming Youth Prep presentation!

Awareness & Fundraising

- Next meeting: Tuesday 3/12 at 6pm in 263 Dwinelle
- International Humanitarian Law Seminar on Saturday, 3/16, 9:30-2pm (https://www.facebook.com/events/426616564088298/) - The Red Cross is an international symbol of safety and help, come out and learn more about the Red Cross’s unique role internationally in times of armed conflict and international national disaster. SPACE IS LIMITED. Email hkg101@berkeley.edu to RSVP.
- In-N-Out sale for Measles Initiative 3/20 and 3/21: https://www.facebook.com/events/227470004066282/?notif_t=plan_admin_added


- Next meeting: Thursday 3/7 from 6-7pm in 263 Dwinelle
- Next Train The Trainer: March 19th

-Upcoming DSHR/BRCR trainings

Health & Safety

- Next meeting: Thursday 3/7 at 7-8pm in 263 Dwinelle
-CPR/FA/AED trainings on 4/6 and 4/7

See you 3/14 for our general meeting!
ARC at Cal Executive Committee
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