Hi everyone,
The American Red Cross @ Cal would like to invite you to be a part of our team for Berkeley Project Month on either Saturday, March 5th or Saturday, March 12th.
If you participated in the Fall with us, I hope you had a great time and would like to participate again with us. If you aren't sure what Berkeley Project is, it's an amazing day where students from different student organizations/clubs on campus spread out to different sites around Berkeley to improve the image of UC Berkeley to the city of Berkeley as well as develop relationships with community leaders. It's a great way to meet new people, work together to accomplish and really help out the community, and also receive free lunch!
If you would like to learn more about Berkeley Project, the website link is below:http://www.berkeleyproject.orgIf you would like to participate and I hope you do, please fill out the Google Doc FULLY so we can sign you up to be a part of our team. Registration is LIMITED so please sign up if you know for sure you can and will attend. Also please specify which weekend you can do or both.
Registration begins on February 9th so please fill out the Google Doc before then.
https://spreadsheets.google.com/ccc?key=0Avx3WqK2f5-SdF9UMmhwRmRVRXljOHF3cnVHbk5MR2c&hl=en&authkey=CNud-OUFIf you have any questions or concerns, feel free to email me at
jordantai@berkeley.eduI'm looking forward to Berkeley Project Month and I hope you are too!