Hello ARCers,
I FORGOT TO SAY THAT GENERAL IS THURSDAY! I dun goofed. Sorry everyone. Anyway....
This just in: Our Disaster Train the Trainer session is this Sunday!
Become certified as a Disaster Prep Trainer and you can host your own classes to educate the community on disaster preparedness, or help your Red Cross club or chapter in holding their disaster prep workshops to make our community prepared for any and all disasters! You'll get community service hours as well as have an warm fuzzy feeling in your heart that you're doing something good

Date: Sunday March 4th
Time: 11am-3pm (only 4 short hours for a FREEEEE training!)
Location: 204 Wheeler
pmullangi@gmail.com if you're interested or if you have any questions!
All members and non-members welcome

Oh, don't forget about General Meeting!......because I forgot to include the day LOL This Thursday folks!
General Meeting
Thursday, March 1
7p.m. March 1
102 Moffitt (Not the library, so don't need ID!)
PLZ bring your member dues ($10)! So you can join our socials and stuff! Bring an extra $5 if you already paid dues and want to go to Broomball.
Sean Huynh
ARC@Cal Publicity
seanhuynh@berkeley.edu(916) 708-4757